Mark Sceats is a qualified physical chemist with 40 years’ experience. He has degrees in Science (Hons 1st Class) and a PhD (University of Queensland).
Mark has previously worked at the James Franck Institute at the University of Chicago, and as an Assistant Professor of the University of Rochester NY, USA, where he was awarded the Alfred P Sloan
Fellowship for his work. He was later employed at the University of Sydney as a Reader in the School of Chemistry, for his research work on chemical reaction kinetics. Mark has published more than 140
academic papers in physical chemistry, and is an inventor of 36 patented inventions.
Mark was awarded the M.A. Sargent Medal of the Institute of Engineers Australia for his contributions to optical communications and the Centenary Medal of the Commonwealth of Australia for his contributions to Australian society.
He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and a Companion of the Institute of Engineers Australia.
Mark founded Calix in 2005, was re-elected as a Director in 2014 and is a member of Calix’s Technology Committee.